Our Services

Teeth Checkup
Regular checkups will help you maintain excellent oral health. We offer you and your family general dentistry services. From six months cleanings to standard tooth extractions. We promise a comfortable and positive experience at your appointment.
In our practice we offer exceptional care for the entire family :
It is critical that children learn how to care for their teeth, even before permanent teeth emerges. Our dental professionals make it fun for kids to visit the Dentist, ensuring they will develop good habits that last a lifetime.
Teens need regular checkups to ensure continued oral health as they move into adulthood. Issues with tooth alignment often emerge at this age, requiring specialized attention from our orthodontic experts. Our full range of dental services address all of these issues.
The condition of teeth can change as we age. Adults need regular dental care to maintain good oral health.
We offer exceptional care for seniors from general cleanings to specialized periodontics (gum care) needs and even possible complete denture care.

Teeth Whitening
Our professional whitening system work magic as they brighten discoloured teeth. This treatment is done in our office and results are better and quicker.
Made of a tooth coloured resin material, these fillings match your existing teeth shade to provide you with a smile that looks clean and natural. With this resin compound bonding to your teeth the seal is tighter and the restored tooth can be stronger than ever before.

Dental Braces
Want Straight, Healthy Teeth And A Confident Smile?
Our teeth tend to slightly become crooked over time, especially if braces were worn as a kid and the retainer instruction were not followed. Straightening your teeth as an adult may seem to be an outreached dream and there may be a long list of reasons why you postpone it.
Our Dentists address your concerns here:
I dont want metal braces. With Invisalign, you dont wear metal braces. Instead, your teeth are straightened by wearing series of virtually invisible plastic aligners. No one can tell youve got the aligners on (unless you tell them).
Itll be too much trouble. Treatment with Invisalign is easy. Youll receive a series of clear aligners which youll wear for about two weeks at a time. You wear them all the time except when youre eating, drinking anything but water, brushing and flossing.
Itll take too long.We cant tell you exactly how long treatment will be but Invisalign treatment on average take about one year.